Republic Day Celebrations

Republic Day Celebration

“Legacy of Liberty: Celebrating 75 Years of Republic”

St. Kabir’s Republic Day celebration was not just a performance, but a profound learning experience. It ignited a spark of patriotism, reminding us of the values that hold our nation together and the dreams that continue to guide us forward. History came alive on stage with a captivating skit depicting the arduous journey of crafting our nation’s Constitution. The passionate poems, soulful patriotic songs, energetic dances, speech and skit reminded us that we need to be worthy custodians of the legacy we inherit, active participants in the democratic process, and steadfast contributors to the building of a stronger, more vibrant India.

As we gather to commemorate the 75th Republic Day at St.Kabir School, we embark on a journey of reflection, celebration, and commitment to our nation’s ideals. This year marks a significant milestone in our history, as we honor three-quarters of a century of sovereignty, unity, and progress.

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