On March 9th, 2023, a comprehensive session took place at the central office (TFA) from 11:30 am to 4 pm. This significant gathering was graced by members of the management, the Principal, Vice Principal, and coordinators from all units of St. Kabir.

During this enlightening session, several pivotal areas of learning and development were explored:

1. Transitioning student mindset from merely “How to Study” to a genuine desire of “Want to Study”.
2. Innovative study techniques tailored for student success.
3. Delving deep into understanding and overcoming our cognitive biases.
4. Highlighting the top ten globally sought-after skills.
5. Focusing on the quintessential skills of active listening, perceptual acumen, and effective body language.

The insights from this session are expected to steer educational strategies to align with evolving global trends and intrinsic student needs.

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